28 Apr 2009

Postcard for Mother's Day

We prepare a simple postcard to give on Mother's Day, so we can tell how you can made it

This allows us to decorate the postcard in different ways, so we offer several ideas quick and easy that children can do alone, although sometimes, of course, always need a little help.

* We can paint each of our hearts ring with a different color, like a rainbow, if we use warm colors (red, orange, yellow ...) will always be better.

* If you have fluorescent paint or glitter can also give us great results.

* Slightly more complicated is to cut the outer border of the heart, but only one half, using a cutter or scissors. Once the cut edge of the heart. We can fold the card in half, although this is a bit irregular (it is more fun and different). Then put the cut on the opposite side, which will be empty, shall require the card.

* Remember to write your name.

We expect them to be useful. Download postcard to give to Mom.

And remember that in our category APRA Mother's Day can find more activities.


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