21 Mar 2007

Easter and easter Eggs

The previous dates arrive The Easter, So is the time of Easter Season and time to search easter eggs.

There is an ideal film to watch and to know the traditions in Easter: “Sprintime with Roo”. Believe me , ideal, and kids will enjoy very much…

With respect to drawings and pictures to color in coloring fun pages, in the category of special events it is Easter with varied drawings, mainly easter eggs to color.


1 Mar 2007

Educational events in March

March arrives as always it is a month by far educative events to celebrate. Touching command post but is the Day of the Father in March, 19th so we will have to prepare activities with our boys, to celebrate this good day, personally has luck, will receive a detail,

Equally in March we celebrate other very important events also I advice yours what activities can preveer:

  • 08 March: Day of the United Nations by the Rights of Women and International Peace. “DAY OF THE WOMAN WORKER”

  • 21 March: Day of the Elimination of the Racial Discrminación and Week of Solidarity with the Towns that fight against Racism and racial Discrimination.

  • 22 March: World-wide day of the Water.
During this month more days are celebrated but these are those that have more incidence at educative level.