20 Jan 2007

Coloring the Peace Day

A great educational event, the 30th of January.

Peace Day and the nonViolence. The basic message of this day is: “Universal Love, Not-violence and Peace. The universal Love is better than egistic, the Non-violence is better than the violence and the Peace is better than the war”.

The School Day of the Non-violence and Peace was declared for the first time in 1964. It arises from a pioneering, nongovernmental, independent initiative, and volunteer of Non-violent Education and peace actions of the Spanish professor Llorenç Vidal. Its objective is the education in and for the tolerance, solidarity, the concord, the respect to the Human rights, the non-violence and Peace.

This day, the schools and centers become instruments of peace and understanding between people of different formation, race, culture and religion.

Text mentioned from: Unicef

In Coloring Fun Pages we dedicated a special category dedicated to Peace and nonViolence. They can serve you as educative resource to prepare educative activities for this day.

If you wish to contribute some idea more for this day on an activity that you are going to make in class, you can do it in our commentaries.


And you remember we must celebrate Peace all the days of the year… don't you think so?